Appium - Setup & Installation

How to Set up Appium on your Windows machine:

1. Install Node.js: Download and install Node.js from the official website:

2. Download and install Appium Desktop: Go to the official Appium Desktop website ( and download the latest version of Appium Desktop for Windows. Once downloaded, install Appium Desktop by following the installation instructions.

3. Install Java JDK: Download and install the latest Java JDK for Windows from the official website:

4. Set up environment variables: Set up the following environment variables:

  • JAVA_HOME: Path to the Java JDK installation directory
  • PATH: Add the following paths to your PATH environment :%JAVA_HOME%\bin

5. Download and install Android Studio: Download and install Android Studio from the official website:

6. Set up Android SDK: Launch Android Studio and go to "Configure" > "SDK Manager". Make sure you have the latest Android SDK installed.

7. Launch Appium Desktop: Open the Appium Desktop application that you installed in step 2. In the Appium Server tab, click the "Start Server" button. This will start the Appium server on your machine.

8. Connect to the Appium server: In your mobile app testing code, connect to the Appium server by specifying the following capabilities:

  • PlatformName: The name of the mobile platform you want to test (e.g., Android or iOS).
  • DeviceName: The name of the device you want to test on.
  • App: The path to the mobile app you want to test.

That's it! You have successfully set up Appium on your Windows machine.

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